

Inspiring Youth at Chelsea

At Bigtime Ministries in Chelsea, we're passionate about supporting middle and high school students on their spiritual journey.

We see these years as a time for significant personal and spiritual growth, where faith can take root and flourish.

Middle School Students

Our middle school programs at Chelsea focus on creating an open, engaging environment where students can discover their faith.

Through Bible studies, retreats, and mission trips, we seek to instill a deeper understanding and love for Jesus Christ in our students.

High School Students

For our high school students at Chelsea, we offer a supportive environment where they can deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ and begin to share their faith within their communities.

Our aim is to support them through this important transition, nurturing a faith that drives positive impact.

Creating Community in Chelsea

At the heart of our work in Chelsea is the desire to build a strong community. We value the power of relationships, shared experiences, and community service in nurturing faith.

We work to foster a safe, inclusive space where every student can build meaningful, faith-based relationships.



James Marshall

James Marshall

(205) 999-2215

Director of Ministry

Board of Advisors:

Tracy Patmalnee

Sarah Worster

Elizabeth Howard

Alex Lovorn

Caleb Gore

Tanner Lee

Josh Cox